your support counts
Give to your favourite community centre
choose from the dropdown menu or type in another amount
Help fill the Kesher Library!
Commemorate your special event by donating a book or set of books to Kesher. A decorative bookplate will be placed inside the book to mark your donation and the occasion.
Donations can be made at the following levels of sponsorship. Please let us know if you prefer your donation to go towards the Children’s Library or the Adult Library at Kesher.
Please “Gift Aid” all your donations by ticking below as Kesher is entitled to reclaim the tax made on gifts by UK tax payers made on this website. This means that if you are a UK tax payer, you can help us even more by making your donation increase by 25% – at no additional cost to you!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us the in the office at:
Help others strive and achieve!
Seudah Shlishit (The Third Meal)
This is held on Shabbat afternoon at Kesher following Mincha. This meal generally comprises challah, dips, herring, salmon, crisps and drinks. Sponsorship opportunities are available at the level of £120 per week and are a great way to mark a small occasion.
Guest speakers are also welcome!
Kiddush Sponsorship
Standard Kiddush includes cake, cholent OR kugel, herring, crackers, crisps, sweets and drinks. Whisky donation of your choice – is optional.
Other popular Kiddush options/add-ons include sushi, falafel, meaty cholent, ice cream, cream pastries, chocolate rugelach, handmade birthday cakes…
For these and any other ideas please contact Rebbetzin Ruthie on 07500 116 975 to discuss your customised Kiddush.
Encourage others to participate and join!
Become a Partner
Please contact us directly to become a Kesher Partner. With various levels of sponsorship available for different events, we welcome your enthusiasm and ideas.
If you would like Rabbi Rashi Simon to speak at your event please do get in touch with the Office to organise the arrangements necessary.
Thoughtful occasions
Give in honour
As an important part of our giving ethos, the Kesher community always strive to include others in programs and events. If you have someone that you would like to honour someone special to you by offering your spiritual support, that would be great. The Office is open to taking your instructions as to what and when this would be best.
Give in memory
It is common practice in Jewish circles to uplift the spiritual wellbeing of souls by giving in memory of a loved one. Whatever the occasion represents to each of of individually, the act of donating in someone’s merit attains long lasting effects. Please take note to mention relevant details in the appropriate section on the form.