Hi Rabbi Simon,
B”H I passed my driving test today and we are looking into getting a car. This is somewhat time-sensitive as I’m due w the baby pls G-d in 3 weeks and it would be ideal to get the car as soon as possible, before the baby comes. But seeing that we’re in the Three Weeks and fast approaching the Nine Days, can we still get a car during this time? Or is it not advisable? Thank you!
Dear Caren,
First, mazal tov on your good news and “be-sha’ah tovah” on the impending birth.
Under the circumstances you may buy a car before Rosh Chodesh Av (= Wednesday 22 July 2020) without cavil. After that, until the Fast you can choose a car and even leave a deposit but best to actually take ownership after 9 Av. But if need be you can buy it outright at any time.
Best wishes
Rabbi Rashi Simon