

Dear Rabbi Simon I’m sending my teenage daughter for a haircut (wash, cut and dry). The male hairdressers are cheaper than the female hairdressers. Is it better for her to have lady hairdresser or is it OK for her to have a male hairdresser? Thank you! Harriet Dear Harriet Thank you for your question. It is preferable for your daughter…

Luck vs Success

Dear Rabbi Simon Can you please explain the difference, in Jewish thought, between luck and hatzlahah? Leib Dear Leib Thank you for your interesting (though slightly amorphous) question. “Luck” in the sense of happenstance is the subject of controversy in Jewish thought, as many authorities are of the view that all human affairs are subject to continuous and specific divine…

Commanded to Work?

Dear Rabbi Simon Can you please tell me whether we are commanded to work? Meant to work? What about someone who has enough money to live on (eg through inheritance, savings, successful investments, or similar)? Thanks Ashir Dear Ashir Thank you for your question, which is, however, a little oblique. At one level, “work” may be seen as a necessary…

Holy Electricity

Dear Rabbi Simon What does it mean to feel that “Holy Electricity” that runs through one’s body, such as during a particular part of a sermon, or when someone speaks words of kindness and encouragement intentionally and directly to you? Many thanks Chloe Dear Chloe I am not familiar with the expression “Holy Electricity”, and I suspect it is a…


Dear Rabbi Simon, We often hear the saying ‘fake it until you make it,’ but I was wondering how does this saying apply to the virtue of humility – if one attempts to conquer one’s pride by practicing the opposite virtue (ie humility), is it not at the risk of being mistaken for a conceited person? I trust you don’t…

Mitzvah vs. Mitzvah

Dear Rabbi Simon, I’m invited to the wedding of a good friend’s daughter in Israel in August. When I told my mum, she got very sad and worried that I’m considering travelling to a war zone!  What’s the right thing to do? To honour the couple / my best friend? To be a good Zionist / Jew and not to…


Dear Rabbi Simon Can someone who is not Jewish handle mezuzot as in removing them carefully from the doorposts? We are out of the country and just wondered if it is an issue. Many thanks, Shevi Hi Shevi Thank you for your question. Under the circumstances, if the mezuzot are in their cases, they may be carefully removed and stored by a decorator or similar.…

Core Beliefs of Judaism

Dear Rabbi Simon As head of the Jewish affinity group at a major national charity, I will be asked at a forum, “What are the Core Beliefs of Judaism?” I plan to give the answer below.  What do you think? Thanks and regards, Alex [The answer which appears below reflects Rabbi Simon’s editing of Alex’s proposed response.] Dear Alex Nice…


Dear Rabbi What punishment can my parents face for neglecting me for decades? What punishment can my cousin face for treating me with extreme cruelty and indecency and thus ruining my life? I would love to see justice and the people responsible for ruining my life pay a price for what they have done to me. Thank you for replying.…


Dear Rabbi Simon, The third paragraph of the Shema commands us to place a thread of techeilet on each corner of tzitzit (Num. 15:38). So why don’t we find at least one string with a light blue dye on all tzitziot? These days, as far as I can tell, most tzitzit are all white. Why don’t we dye one strand…

Questions & Answers
this week

Questions and Answers

Ask the Rabbi: Quinoa on Pesach
Dear Rabbi Simon,
Where do you stand on quinoa (and the kitniyot ban) for Pesach?
Many thanks,
Dear Tzippy,
In line with other American authorities, I am in favour of quinoa. Although I reject completely the voices (mostly from Israel) seeking to abolish the ban on kitniyot entirely, IMO we do not need to include in the prohibition pseudo-grains that were unknown in the Old World until modern times. Best to buy with a Pesach hechsher though, to be free of any possible wheat contamination.
Rabbi Rashi Simon
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