World Views

Hassidism to Paganism

Dear Rabbi Simon I am an Orthodox Jew. I was raised in Chabad, I learn frequently, I practice consistently. Yet recently have been curious about Ásatrú (a sect of Norse paganism) and have been dedicated to doing much research on it, slowly developing a connection to it. I am torn on what I should do about it. Do you have any…

Fulfilment of Desire

Dear Rabbi Simon Does G-d fulfil our desires in our lifetime, afterlife or next birth if we are righteous? Thank you. Dan Hi Dan Thank you for your question. G-d does not necessarily fulfil anyone’s “desires”, however, as per Maimonides’ Principles of Faith #12, He does reward a person according to his or her deeds, whether in this world or the…

The Identity of the Messiah

Dear Rabbi Simon, Rashi sometimes refers to “the king messiah” and at other times just to “the messiah”. Why? Is there any significance in the distinction? Many thanks, Jesse Dear Jesse Thank you for your question. Rashi is exceedingly exacting in his language, so I would expect that there is indeed a “significance”. However it is likely that the explanation…

Jewish Achievement

Dear Rabbi Simon, Do the Jewish holy books tell followers of Judaism to excel in their work and profession, as we have seen many Jews reach the very top of all areas like business, science, arts, cinema, entertainment, etc, as well as Nobel laureates? Many thanks, Raj Hi Raj Thank you for your interesting question. While there are passages in…

Codex Sassoon

Dear Rabbi Simon, It was a very special moment to see the Codex Sassoon while it was on display at Sotheby’s last week. Hopefully, the buyer will enable scholarly access to it for academic research. I suppose time will tell. To your knowledge, have there been any studies done comparing the various codices (Sassoon, Aleppo, Leningrad & others) for any…


Dear Rabbi Simon Rashi sometimes refers to “the king messiah” and at other times just to “the messiah”. Why? Is there any significance in the distinction? Thank you David Dear Dave Thank you for your question. Rashi is exceedingly exacting in his language, so I would expect that there is indeed a “significance”. However, it is likely that the explanation lies…

Christians and the World to Come

Dear Rabbi Simon, The first of the Seven Noachide Laws is not to worship false gods.  As Christians worship Jesus (who is a false god according to Jewish law) would they have no place in the World to Come? Thanks, Dominic Dear Dominic, This rather fundamental question is subject to divergent positions in the rabbinic tradition. While the straightforward view…

World to Come for Noachides

Dear Rabbi Simon, The first of Noah’s Seven Laws is not to worship false gods.  As Christians worship Jesus (who is a false god according to Jewish law), would they have no place in the World to Come? Thanks, Peter Dear Peter, This rather fundamental question is subject to divergent conclusions in the rabbinic tradition. While the straightforward view would…

Yoga and Eastern Religions

Dear Rabbi Simon, Hi. I would love to have a clarification about some things related to Far Eastern traditions, sometimes partly derived from, or with connections to their religions. I am specifically enquiring about yoga and Thai or other related form of massage. Thanks very much. Joel Dear Joel, Than you for your question. In general, one should be cautious…

Questions & Answers
this week

Questions and Answers

Ask the Rabbi: Quinoa on Pesach
Dear Rabbi Simon,
Where do you stand on quinoa (and the kitniyot ban) for Pesach?
Many thanks,
Dear Tzippy,
In line with other American authorities, I am in favour of quinoa. Although I reject completely the voices (mostly from Israel) seeking to abolish the ban on kitniyot entirely, IMO we do not need to include in the prohibition pseudo-grains that were unknown in the Old World until modern times. Best to buy with a Pesach hechsher though, to be free of any possible wheat contamination.
Rabbi Rashi Simon
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