Dear Rabbi Simon,
I have a question relating to the halachic requirements for completion on a property during the 9 Days. Is it is acceptable to sign completion papers on the sale of a property during the 9 Days if there is a financial loss by not doing so? As you are aware, we hope to make Aliyah this summer but the buyers of our home in London (who are themselves Jewish although not observant) are insisting that we complete on Sunday 4th August [2019], which is 3 Av. We have asked if we can complete on 1st August (29 Tamuz) but they have refused. Will our only option be to complete August 12th the day after Tish’a B’Av? We would be very grateful if you could advise us.
Kindest regards,
Dear Mandy,
We will miss you in England, but London’s loss is Jerusalem’s gain.
TY for your practical question. You are not required to sustain a financial loss so as to avoid making a transaction during the 9 Days. If your purchasers are insistent, and are unwilling to conduct the sale/purchase on August 1, you may agree to doing so on August 4.
Kol tuv
Rabbi Rashi Simon