Dear Rabbi Simon,
If the minyan davens too fast for me and I have to prioritise my Pesukei D’zimra in order to time it that I say Shema and Amidah with the minyan, when is best to catch up the parts of P’sukei D’zimra?
Can I do this during repetition of Amidah?
Ratz K’Tzvi
Hi Zvi
Good question.
The answer is that there is not really any need to “catch up” on the selections of Pesukei D’Zimra which you skipped in order to keep the pace. They are preparatory to the Shema and the Amidah, and saying them afterwards is a bit beside the point. Of course it is a nice thing to do all the same, but not recommended during the Reader’s Repetition (hazarat ha-Sha”tz).
Rabbi Rashi Simon