Dear Rabbi Simon
I hope you had a great Pesach.
Here is my question: I know there are restrictions regarding eating matzah before Pesach. Is one allowed to eat matzah after Pesach?
Dear Matt
Matzah after Pesach is fine. In fact, some make a point of eating matzah every Shabbat until Shavuot, to give expression to the connection between the Exodus and receiving the Torah. But you can also eat matzah any time.
With regard to matzah before Pesach, you are right that the halakhah forbids eating matzah on erev Pesach. Many have the custom to not eat matzah from the 1st of Nissan, ie two weeks earlier. Some even refrain from the day after Purim, ie 30 days before Pesach.
Enjoy the crunch!
Best wishes
Rabbi Rashi Simon