Note: There is a widespread custom to annul any doubtful vows on erev Rosh HaShanah by reciting a set text in the presence of an ad hoc beth din of three laymen.
Dear Rabbi Simon,
Are women obligated in Hatarat Nedarim? If so, can this be done at home, without 3 adult males in attendance? Where (ideally online) can I find the “text” of hatarat nedarim?
Thanks & Shana Tova
Hi Lisa
Thank you for your question.
Hatarat nedarim requires a bet din (even ad hoc, as is customarily the case) of three men. For this reason it is generally impractical for one to do this at home (unless s/he has access to three men on-site). The prevailing minhag is that women do not perform the hatarat nedarim ritual, but rather they rely on participating in the Kol Nidrei service on Yom Kippur night. Note that it is proper (and perhaps necessary) to recite the text in your machzor together with the Shaliach Tzibur in order for this to be effective.
WRT the text, you can find it in your siddur (Artscroll p. 762) or RH machzor (p. 2). Also online here:
A married woman may designate her husband to be her agent to nullify her vows together with his own, however this strategy is limited to a wife-husband situation. A man (or presumably woman) may not designate a friend or relative to act on his/her behalf.
All of this, however, is applicable to generic personal meritorious commitments one may have made, and possibly forgotten about. But if one is aware of a particular vow which s/he has definitely made and from which she would like to be released, she may and should approach a rabbi who, together with two others, can generally release her from her vow. This can be done at any time, and is not limited to erev RH.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes and Shanah Tovah
Rabbi Rashi Simon