Dear Rabbi Simon,
I notice in the Bible the terms “I command” and “I forbid” are mentioned numerous times. What is the difference between not doing something you are commanded and doing something you are forbidden. Especially in terms of punishment.
Many thanks,
Dear Barri
The phrases you cite actually do not appear in the Torah in the original Hebrew very often. However, it is certainly true that the 613 commandments of the Torah may be divided into 248 Positive Commandments (ie, “thou shalt”) and 365 Negative Commandments (“thou shalt not”).
In general, the Torah does not prescribe a punishment for neglecting a Positive Commandment (the two exceptions are circumcision and eating of the Paschal lamb—of which the latter is not available in the present era). The Negative Commandments have a variety of consequences/punishments set out in the Torah. However, one earns reward (primarily in the Next World) both through fulfilling the positive and avoiding the negative commandments.
I hope this is helpful.
Rabbi Rashi Simon