Dear Rabbi Simon,
In a recent Ask the Rabbi, you said that you recommend a pyrolytic oven for Pesach purposes. Any other halachic questions to bear in mind when buying an oven?
Thank you
Dear Owen
Thank you for your question.
The properties of a pyrolytic oven are certainly useful for Pesach (or other) kashering needs, and the catalytic ovens are not the same in this regard. Although one may rely on the lenient views re kashering a conventional oven, pyrolytic is ideal for one who can afford the luxury.
Modern ovens have sophisticated electronic circuitry which frequently makes them unsuitable for Shabbos use. Yom Tov too, to a great extent. The Fedtech people ( have useful info on this, but the bottom line is that modern ovens are great for 6 days a week. Problematic for Shabbos (and Yom Tov).
Best wishes
Rabbi Rashi Simon