Dear Rabbi Simon
I want to take up embroidery and I am particularly interested in crewel work which is traditionally made from wool on a cloth of linen or one with some linen content. Given this is sha’atnez I don’t think I can do this – I’m pretty sure I can’t gain any benefit from the use of wool and linen even if not worn?
Kind regards
Hi Shoshana
The prohibition of shaatnez is limited to wearing, or any use which provides warmth. This includes a blanket, as well as a pillowcase, mattress or a sofa. Even a curtain or tablecloth may provide warmth under certain circumstances and should therefore be avoided. However a wall-hanging or tapestry made of sha’atnez would be allowed.
For this reason there may be forms of crewel work which are permissible as a hobby or craft. However you would need to be careful to avoid draping the fabric over your lap, for example, in the course of your handiwork.
I hope this is helpful.
Happy tapestry
Rabbi Rashi Simon