Babylonian Exile

Impact of Exile

Dear Rabbi Simon, I would like to know about the reforms in Jewish culture during the period of the Babylonian Exile. I have read that it was the time when the Hebrews compiled and revised the text of what became the Tanakh. In particular what brought about the rise to prominence of the Rabbis (or Sages) as determinants of Jewish…

Questions & Answers
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Questions and Answers

Ask the Rabbi: Quinoa on Pesach
Dear Rabbi Simon,
Where do you stand on quinoa (and the kitniyot ban) for Pesach?
Many thanks,
Dear Tzippy,
In line with other American authorities, I am in favour of quinoa. Although I reject completely the voices (mostly from Israel) seeking to abolish the ban on kitniyot entirely, IMO we do not need to include in the prohibition pseudo-grains that were unknown in the Old World until modern times. Best to buy with a Pesach hechsher though, to be free of any possible wheat contamination.
Rabbi Rashi Simon
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