Note: This Q&A is based on a recent text message exchange.
Dear Rabbi Simon
It is the time of year that I send out cards and gifts for work to buyers at businesses that I supply. I am never quite sure if I need to just write ‘seasons greetings’ which always feels wrong for those that I know celebrate Christmas. Is it permissible to greet with the classic British ‘Merry Christmas and happy New Year ‘?
Kind regards
Dear Miriam,
Sorry, I can’t endorse “Merry Christmas”. Go with Seasons Greetings which works for your Jewish and Moslem clients too. (Even Hindus and atheists, for that matter.) I am sure they know you are Jewish and will realise (if they think about it at all) that you are using a formula which works for you as well as the recipient. Remember, diversity and inclusivity are “in”.
Best wishes
Rabbi Rashi Simon