Dear Rabbi Simon
As a pharmacist I am seeing more and more prescriptions for ‘transgender’ medication or medication for these operations. Is it halakhically a problem for me to dispense/deal with such medications? I’m guessing it’s not a problem because our customers are generally not Jewish (I work in London, not Tel Aviv) but just want to be sure it’s not a problem.
Thank you.
Hi Dina
TY for your interesting question.
This is allowed (even if it is distasteful) for a number of reasons, including the fact that a psychiatrist may have prescribed the medication for legitimate or life-saving reasons. Perhaps the customer/patient seeks to moderate a hormonal imbalance rather than to effect an outright sex change. I recognise that these possibilities may be far-fetched but the existence of doubt is sufficient to permit you to dispense the medication.
Best wishes and stay safe
Rabbi Rashi Simon