Dear Rabbi Simon,
Hi. I would love to have a clarification about some things related to Far Eastern traditions, sometimes partly derived from, or with connections to their religions. I am specifically enquiring about yoga and Thai or other related form of massage.
Thanks very much.
Dear Joel,
Than you for your question.
In general, one should be cautious about ancient Eastern practices, which frequently have roots in the Hindu or Buddhist religions. These, in turn, are deeply intertwined with idolatrous beliefs and worship. However, the forms of meditation, yoga and massage techniques commonly encountered in the Western world are often essentially stripped of their polytheistic religious origins. In other words, exercise, relaxation, meditation, breathing techniques, and similar objectives are halakhically legitimate in and of themselves, when pursued for their practical benefits. The fact that the techniques were (and even are) popular with practitioners of Eastern religions does not make them forbidden per se, where the religious component is no longer a feature of the experience.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes
Rabbi Rashi Simon