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Since 2023 Kesher has been an affiliate of the Federation of Synagogues (now known as Kehillas Federation). One of the benefits of this status is that we are able to offer Burial Rights to our members who would like to join the Federation Burila Society. Please click here for an application form, here for joining fees, and here for annual fees.
Kesher Membership (as well as the Federation Burial scheme) is available to those who are Jewish in accordance with Torah law.
Please “Gift Aid” all your donations by ticking below as Kesher is entitled to reclaim the tax made on gifts by UK tax payers made on this website. This means that if you are a UK tax payer, you can help us even more by making your donation increase by 25% – at no additional cost to you!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us the in the office at:
For monthly BACS payment via your bank, please use the following information:
Kesher Ltd
Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30-93-80
Account #: 01089980
Registered Charity Number: 1061689