
Wedding Daze: Irregular Ketubah Question

Dear Rabbi Simon, My younger sister is getting married soon (overseas).  Sadly, her fiancé is not Jewish. Nevertheless, she wanted a ketubah (marriage contract) signing and asked me to be one of the witnesses.  I wanted to ask you whether it would be appropriate for me to do this or if I should tell her that I can’t. Many thanks,…

Delight for the Eyes – but is it allowed?

Note: This week’s Torah Reading (Re’eh) lists kosher and non-kosher species. Where does the peacock fit in? Hi Rabbi I have an unusual question for you.  My firm has a Jewish client, and we are doing the interior design and artwork for their New York residence (they are religious, but well-travelled/worldly and into the arts). We are designing a one-of-kind,…

Cremation and Kaddish

Dear Rabbi Simon, A distant elderly Jewish relative died last month and he chose to be cremated. Is it still appropriate to say Kaddish for him? Many thanks, Martin Dear Martin, The sombre and distasteful subject of cremation is discussed (and decried) in the Torah literature. The practice has become very common in non-Orthodox circles, and strenuous efforts are sometimes exerted…

Life can be Crewel, but is it allowed?

Dear Rabbi Simon Hope you are well.  Just wanted to ask a question to which I think I know the answer but I wanted to make sure! I want to take up embroidery and I am particularly interested in crewel work which is traditionally made from wool on a cloth of linen or one with some linen content. Given this is sha’atnez…

Swine Flu: Something to Sniff at?

Dear Rabbi Simon, I’ve just completed 2 flu immunisation forms at school for my children and noticed as I completed the form that in the NB it states the vaccine contains products derived from pigs! Please see a copy of the form attached! I have not handed them back to school yet. Presumably we have to request the alternative which…

Tefillin: Knot or Not?

Dear Rabbi Simon May I please have your opinion on the single daled vs double daled in the shel Rosh? In my research this appears to be an element on which opinions are near 50/50. Thank you. Regards, Alex Dear Alex It is certainly true that there are divergent minhagim in this. The preferred option is the single dalet, as…

Home Improvement plans gone pear-shaped?

Dear Rabbi Simon, As today is Tu Bi-Shevat (New Year for Trees), I have a timely and practical question: I may have mentioned to you that we are looking to demolish our house and rebuild. The rebuild includes the basement; hence the entire structure and the garden will be razed. There is a pear tree in our garden and I…

Rings and Netilat Yadayim

Dear Rabbi Simon, I have noticed that when people wash their hands (ritually) before eating bread, they often remove their ring(s) beforehand (excuse the pun), either leaving them at the table or elsewhere. Why do people do this and should I do the same? Robin Dear Robin Interestingly, this is an example of a halakhic practice which is recommended for…

Fruit Tree Follow-Up

Dear Rabbi Simon, Our sycamore tree blew down in a recent storm causing significant damage to our neighbour’s patio.  If our pear tree were to fall down in another storm it would probably fall on the house itself.  Our Tree Surgeon has recommended removing it as a preventative measure although it was not damaged this storm. As per your instruction…

Ringing Endorsement?

Note: A recent Q&A addressed the need for one to remove his or her ring(s) in order to properly perform the mitzvah of netilat yadayim (washing one’s hands ritually before eating bread, challah, matzah or similar). In brief, Rabbi Simon’s answer was that it is common practice for women to do so, but that it is not the norm for men. A…

Questions & Answers
this week

Questions and Answers

Ask the Rabbi: Quinoa on Pesach
Dear Rabbi Simon,
Where do you stand on quinoa (and the kitniyot ban) for Pesach?
Many thanks,
Dear Tzippy,
In line with other American authorities, I am in favour of quinoa. Although I reject completely the voices (mostly from Israel) seeking to abolish the ban on kitniyot entirely, IMO we do not need to include in the prohibition pseudo-grains that were unknown in the Old World until modern times. Best to buy with a Pesach hechsher though, to be free of any possible wheat contamination.
Rabbi Rashi Simon
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