
Tefillin Questions

Dear Rabbi Simon, I have a couple of questions regarding my tefillin. I have lost the black box that goes above my hand tefillin. Is that a problem? Also, how often should one have his tefillin checked? Many thanks, Jeff Dear Jeff, Black box covering: best to replace this. Ask the Sofer down the road from Torah Treasures if he can…

Organ Donation

This text-message exchange relates to  ‘Max and Keira’s Law‘, intended to generate more organs for donation, in accordance with which the law in the UK is changing in Spring 2020 to “presumed consent”. Dear Rabbi Simon, It seems there is a controversy in organ donation. [A prominent rabbi has issued a ruling that halakhah requires one to “opt-out”.] Here is…

Sex within Marriage

Dear Rabbi Simon I have a halachic question regarding marriage and, in particular, sex. I simply want to know whether a wife is obliged to have relations with her husband, in the same way that a man is obliged to? We learn [in this week’s parasha—ed.] that a man must provide his wife with things like clothes, a home, sustenance…

Women in Song

Dear Rabbi Simon I am aware of the prohibition of a woman (or adolescent girl?) singing in the presence of men. [Ed. note: Although technically the prohibition relates to the man who is listening/enjoying the woman’s singing voice, she may be regarded as facilitating the transgression.] My question is, does this prohibition apply also to a woman singing in the…

Organ Donation

Dear Rabbi Simon Members of Kesher have been registering to opt out of organ donation should one chas ve-shalom die with good working organs, as it is contrary to Jewish practice. However, should your organ go directly to saving a life won’t that have bigger benefit for you in the World to Come as I remember a passage in tractate…

Washing hands in the morning and at other times

Dear Rabbi Simon I may have a misunderstanding of netilat yadayim /asher yatzar process. Am I right in saying that we only say ‘al netilat yadayim’ together with asher yatzar, in the morning upon 1st going to lavatory? Through the rest of the day, after using the lavatory, one would wash (without saying al netilat yadayim) and then say the…

Kissing the Mezuzah (Coronavirus)

Dear Rabbi Simon My family have asked about the practice of kissing the mezuzah, in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. What are your thoughts on this? Many thanks in advance. Malka Dear Malka TY for your question. The Israeli Chief Rabbi David Lau has ruled/advised that one should refrain from kissing the mezuzah due to the threat of COVID-19. His…

Sha’atnez in Crewel Embroidery

Sha’atnez Q&A: Life can be Crewel, but is it allowed? Dear Rabbi Simon I want to take up embroidery and I am particularly interested in crewel work which is traditionally made from wool on a cloth of linen or one with some linen content. Given this is sha’atnez I don’t think I can do this – I’m pretty sure I can’t…

Cremation and Kaddish

Dear Rabbi Simon, A distant elderly Jewish relative died last month and he chose to be cremated. Is it still appropriate to say Kaddish for him? Many thanks, Martin Dear Martin, The sombre and distasteful subject of cremation is discussed (and decried) in the Torah literature. The practice has become very common in non-Orthodox circles, and strenuous efforts are sometimes exerted…

Techeiles in Tzitzis

Dear Rabbi Simon Should we be wearing Techeiles in our Tzitzis today? (I am asking a few rabbis this question.) FYI, here is a site which presents people who agree and disagree with wearing techeiles: http://techeiles.org/debate.php. I also found this informative article on the subject: http://dinonline.org/2013/06/01/parashas-korach-the-mitzvah-of-techeiles/. What is your view? Kol tuv, Alistair Dear Alistair, Techeilet is a worthy subject…

Questions & Answers
this week

Questions and Answers

Ask the Rabbi: Quinoa on Pesach
Dear Rabbi Simon,
Where do you stand on quinoa (and the kitniyot ban) for Pesach?
Many thanks,
Dear Tzippy,
In line with other American authorities, I am in favour of quinoa. Although I reject completely the voices (mostly from Israel) seeking to abolish the ban on kitniyot entirely, IMO we do not need to include in the prohibition pseudo-grains that were unknown in the Old World until modern times. Best to buy with a Pesach hechsher though, to be free of any possible wheat contamination.
Rabbi Rashi Simon
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