
Wedding Bells, Wedding Blues

Dear Rabbi Simon Sorry to burden you with is an uncomfortable question: The daughter of a good friend of mine who lives overseas last week “married” another Jewish woman here in London. I was invited to the “Chupa” but (much to my relief) was not able to attend as I had inescapable work commitments that weekend (this is actually true).…

Am I Jewish? (2)

Dear Rabbi Simon My maternal grandmother was a practicing Jew and ethnically Jewish, but I was raised and baptized Catholic. I’ve researched Judaism for years and would like to pursue a deeper connection with it. My question is that do I count as Jewish/ethically Jewish due to my maternal line being Jewish? And if not then would I be allowed to one day…

Kol Sasson

Dear Rabbi Simon Is there a correlation or commentary on Jeremiah 7:34 and the wedding song that uses the same words? Susan Dear Susan, Thank you for your question, which is very apropos to my son Yehuda’s wedding earlier this week. There is indeed a correlation. The prophet Jeremiah seems to have coined (or more likely, immortalised) the phrase “kol…

Don’t get Cross

Dear Rabbi Simon I am a practising Roman Catholic very committed to my faith in God. I am engaged to marriage a Jewish man. We both have symbols of our faiths and if we get a house together want to share these. Would the crucifix, the symbol of my faith, be allowed in our home? My boyfriend has decided to have…

From the Mouths of Babes

Dear Rabbi Simon How do you answer a child of 3 when he tells you that “I speak to Hashem but He does not answer me”? Many thanks, Dov Dear Dov, Thank you for practical question, at the crossroads of philosophy and חינוך. Based on the limited information you provide, I suggest you encourage him to continue to speak to…

School Project on Judaism

Note: This question was submitted by three students at an exclusive public school. Future influencers? Who can say? Dear Rabbi Simon We are doing a project on Judaism for school. We were wondering about your opinion surrounding the following questions: How internally diverse is Judaism (eg. race, sexuality, gender)? How much does Judaism evolve and change in the modern day?…

Praying or Paying

Dear Rabbi Simon Do we regard it as theft if I run into a shop and I don’t pay for parking meter? I guess the risk of a large fine could also carry its own punishment, but if I ‘get away with it’ and I don’t get a fine then do we regard this halachically or even morally as a…

Change of Name due to Illness

Dear Rabbi Simon, Can you send me information regarding changing the name of a child who has a severe illness through another family adopting the child. I know that that was done in the past by community rabbis. I read something about it when I was a student 15 years ago. Does my memory serve me? Many thanks, Abi Dear Abi,…

Seasonal Wreath

Dear Rabbi Simon, I am Jewish and live in a sixteen-unit condo complex in Concord, Massachusetts. A neighbor of mine bought evergreen wreaths with red bows for all the units and put them on the exterior wall of every unit. When I saw it, I thought this doesn’t belong on my door and took it down, but then I learned that…

Jewish Status Quandary

Hi Rabbi, I have a question about a girl I’m seeing. Her grandmother was born in Russia and during WWII, was left with a family in Portugal. The family was not Jewish but always told her her parents were. Her parents were presumed killed in the war. She was sent to Brazil. The Rabbi’s here in Paris asked, considering she…

Questions & Answers
this week

Questions and Answers

Ask the Rabbi: Quinoa on Pesach
Dear Rabbi Simon,
Where do you stand on quinoa (and the kitniyot ban) for Pesach?
Many thanks,
Dear Tzippy,
In line with other American authorities, I am in favour of quinoa. Although I reject completely the voices (mostly from Israel) seeking to abolish the ban on kitniyot entirely, IMO we do not need to include in the prohibition pseudo-grains that were unknown in the Old World until modern times. Best to buy with a Pesach hechsher though, to be free of any possible wheat contamination.
Rabbi Rashi Simon
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